British Values
Platinum Jubilee Week
Promoting British Values at our School
At St Saviour’s we recognise the important role British Values play in our children’s education. We are based in the heart of our community; therefore, as a school we take it upon ourselves to enhance pupils understanding of core British Values in our culturally diverse society. The St Saviour’s way encompasses all the values needed to take part in British culture. Our school motto ‘TEAM’ demonstrates core British values – by taking into account gender, race and ethnicity.
Our school motto:
T – stands for Together: We are United as one – a school and as a community.
E – stands for Everyone: We are all part of this journey.
A – stands for Achieves: We promote our success with the help of our pupils, teacher and parents.
M – stands for More: We are always striving for the best.
Promoting British Values is not something new here at St Saviour’s Primary School. As a Church of England School, British values are promoted in so many different ways. These are some of the ways we have promoted British values at St Saviour’s: our collective worship assemblies, Religious Education, PSHE, School Council, Theme weeks and Inspire Workshops just to name a few!
Feeling British at St Saviour’s School
We at St Saviour’s value the diverse cultures of both our pupils and teachers. Every year we promote and celebrate different festivals such as Christmas, Easter, Eid, Diwali and Chinese New Year. Alongside this, we hold special Harvest assemblies, when we encourage our children to think about those who are less fortunate then ourselves.
Furthermore, we also hold ‘Theme Weeks’, which has become a tradition at St Saviour’s. It provides children with the opportunity to be creative and to swap the classroom for a taste of the outside world. Some of our previous Theme Weeks have included: Business and Enterprise Week, Fashion and Media Week, Puzzle Week and Olympic Week.
Our school Breakfast Club has become an integral part of the school day as children are provided a free healthy breakfast. This allows children to enjoy their breakfast with the company of staff and other pupils around the breakfast table.
Democracy is rife at St Saviour's School
Working collaboratively with parents, children and the staff is something that has been embedded in our school for many years; therefore, it allows everyone’s voices to be heard.
School Council
Our School Council has been running for many years and it is one of the ways children’s voices are heard. The process of electing School Council members reflects the British election system. Every child has the opportunity to become a School Councillor – a role highly regarded by all our pupils, staff and parents. The process commences with: writing a detailed manifesto, campaigning by creating posters and leaflets, delivering speeches to large audiences and finally voting using ballot boxes. Every year the children raise the standards as last year their manifesto speeches were filmed and broadcasted to the whole school – just like Party Election Broadcasts!
Once the voting is completed, the results are announced in a special School Council assembly.
The new members are then introduced to roles within our council, which they must apply for. These roles include: Chairman/women, Vice Chairman/women, Secretary, Treasurer and School Council Reps. By applying for the roles, children are able to experience ‘working life’ and are better prepared for when they will be completing Job Applications in the future.
Our Council consists of two representatives from each class and they meet regularly to discuss issues raised in their class. Our Council is given their own budget so that they can effect change in the school. Some of the past projects our Council has influenced are: the revamp of our bottom playground into a multi-functional Sports Arena with astro-turf; recycling projects around the school and donating to charities.
Our Councillors take their roles very seriously and are also involved in the recruitment process. Recently, our Council interviewed many potential candidates for the position of School Business Manager and Deputy Head.
Pupil Voice
School Council is not the only platform for children to voice their views. Every year, children are given a Pupil Voice questionnaire. This enables the children to suggest ways to make our school a better place.
Parents Evening
This allows our parents to build a rapport with the teachers and discuss their child’s progress. Our parents are very supportive and encompass our school ethos.
Teaching the Rule of the Law
Whether it is school rules or rules in society, St Saviour’s helps the children and parents to understand the importance of instilling them in their daily lives. These rules are reinforced in many ways such as: school assemblies, trips and professionals who visit our school. From the start of the academic year, each class along with their teachers will set their own class rules in order to create a safe environment.
At St Saviour’s we value the customs of different faiths and this is demonstrated through our collective worship assemblies. Our Religious Education curriculum enriches children with morals and ethics of different faiths. Rules are also observed through our wider curriculum such as after school clubs and Sports.
Pupils are encouraged to think about the consequences when rules are broken and how they can become better people.
Having a choice
Within our school, the pupils are actively encouraged to make choices with the comfort of knowing that they are in a safe and supportive learning environment. We support the children in the following ways.
- Extra-curricular clubs
- PSHE lessons
- Trained play leaders
- E-safety lessons
Above all, our children are taught to exercise their rights and freedom in a safe and educational way.
Respect and Tolerance
At the heart of the Saltley community, St Saviour’s plays an integral part in the future of our next generation. Therefore, we promote and celebrate our different backgrounds.
All pupils from Reception to Year 6 are taught, through lessons and assemblies, to respect and value the faiths and beliefs of all people. They are also taught to respect school resources and the property of others around them in school or in the community.
At the start of each academic year, every year group promotes different aspects of Respect. This enables children to think about their choices and behaviour for the rest of the year. Some of our past Theme Weeks have covered topics that encompass our values such as ‘Out of Africa Week’ and ‘Water Week’.
As a school, we will continue to strive and provide children with various opportunities to experience the British culture.